Missing First Aid Media

My first aid images are not present on my cards. How can I fix this?


The first aid images are not synced via AnkiHub

Please see the media section in the wiki

Thank you! So how can I fix this

If you want to see them, you have to go to ankihub → anking deck → manage protected data → make sure additional resources does not have a check

Then go to browse in your anki → at the top click ankihub → reset all local changes

Then import media from your pre-existing V11 deck or media package

How do I import media from v11?

Like I exported the media from a v11 deck, and how do I now add it to my V12

If you exported as a .apkg file, you can do it like this

CleanShot 2024-02-05 at 19.23.20

CleanShot 2024-02-05 at 19.23.24

If you just exported the media, just choose “local folder” and do the same

Thank you so much. And just to clarify, when I go to my Anki Hub and click Unsubscribe to the deck to adjust the protected fields, which SHOULD be protected before I resubscribe?

You don’t need to unsubscribe to adjust the fields. You can just check/uncheck whatever you like that way

We recommend you protect the following as a minimum:

  1. Lecture notes
  2. Missed questions
  3. Pathoma
  4. BNB

You can also protect FA and additional resources

If I already have the Anki Hub deck downloaded and used is that going to still make the necessary changes? and should I protect FA after I import the media?

Yes, everything will work and the deck can adjust what fields you have protected without needing to unsubscribe/resubscribe

You can also reset local changes after you protect/unprotect to “apply” the changes

You can protect after you import the media, but regardless your FA images will stay after you reimport them. They wont be deleted whether you protect or unprotect so its up to you.

I am encountering the same issue. Initially, I couldn’t locate the First Aid image or icon. Following the advice from previous forums, I attempted to restore access to the First Aid media by navigating to the manage protected data option and unchecking the boxes. Subsequently, I reset the deck on Ankihub, which allowed me to see the icons but not the images. Now, I’m attempting to import the media, but when I click browse, I don’t see an option for a local folder. I believe Allyborgia initially exported the media from v11deck. Could someone kindly guide me through this process?

Thank you. How do I get the pre-existing V11deck or media package? Once I clicked on the local folder, I thought it would take me there, but it took me to my computer folders. I don’t think I have v11deck or media package save into my computer and I don’t know how to obtain them. I’m sorry, I am very computer illiterate.

We do not provide the media folders, you can find more information here: Why don't I have all the media in the AnKing Step Deck?

Thank you I will read it now.

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