I have subscribed to Ankihub. I downloaded the deck through ankihub. And I downloaded the media via ankihub add on ‘media sync’ function.
But a lot of media files seem to be missing. Even media files under first aid field seem to be missing.
Is there a way to solve this? I have tried media sync multiple times to no avail.
Can you show me how you’ve determined that media is missing?
FirstAid media is not synced to notes in the deck, just FYI. The only FirstAid media that is available is via the McGraw-Hill integration as part of the Premium AnkiHub offering.
Let me know how your media is displaying and we’ll go from there. 
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I wanted to delete unused media and under check media option, I saw that many cards were missing media files. I then used the tag missing function to tag them and see which ones they are.
I scanned through some of them and found that bulk of images in additional resources field are missing. Images under Emma holiday, Goljan etc. in additional resources are missing. Also I found cards with missing first aid, sketchy, and physeo images.
I knew for physeo images, you have to have the subscripton to physeo. I didn’t know that firstaid media requires this subscription.
The way I know that media is missing is because instead of media, it shows a small image icon of a mountain and blue sky.
It’s normal to see some media listed as missing if you use the Check Media tool. The only thing that truly matters is whether a “small image icon of a mountain and blue sky” appears on the card, indicating missing media. Let me try to figure out what’s troubling you:
Are you a new subscriber to the deck? Media can take some time to sync via AnkiHub to your computer and even longer to sync via AnkiWeb to other devices you use Anki on. If that’s not the case you can try:
Resetting local changes:
- Go to the browser in Anki.
- Look for the AnkiHub button in the top-left corner
You can also try this for a specific card with missing media:
- Click on the card in the browser.
- Right-click and select the appropriate option
As Brian mentioned, First Aid, Physeo, and Additional Resources images are copyrighted and not synced. However, you can check out the McGraw Hill integration if you’d like access to First Aid media.
Let me know if this helps! 
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It’s probably also worth pointing out that certain fields will display ‘broken’ images if that field is unprotected.
So, for example, the FA field is protected by default so that users may add their own media if they choose. If this field is unprotected, it will display ‘broken’ media which may lead some users to believe that media files for that field have not synced appropriately, or that there is missing media, even though this is not the case.
For those fields, like FA, protecting that field will prevent those ‘broken’ images from appearing. There is a longer explanation here, but it stems from how Anki tracks its media folder and how it ‘points’ to its own collections. It’s a weird quirk of the software, ultimately.
A slightly longer explanation can be found here: AnKing Step Deck Wiki
It looks like MarcosZan otherwise did a great job of answering your question/s, but of course if there’s anything else on which we can help please feel free to reach out. 
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Ok. I have just downloaded the deck. So that must be it. Thanks for the detailed reply.
Some cards are showing the mage icons and some are not. I will use wait and then use your method to see if it works.
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Thanks for the reply. I will make sure to protect those fields.