Many missing files and unused files for media in Anking Step Deck - AnkiHub

For the most part, my Anking step deck is fine, but I seem to be missing thousands of media files. I have tried every way to properly sync and get the media files back into my Anking step deck. I am missing 14551 files, and I have 17732 files that are unused. I searched for every way I could find on the internet (Reddit and AnkiHub community support) to get the media synced up.

For context, I also had a previous local version of Anking Step Deck (v11) downloaded and just recently subscribed to Anking v12 through AnkiHub. Also, I didn’t know that I needed to unprotect certain fields when I originally subscribed to AnkiHub, but I retroactively did this unprotection of every field except for “Lecture Notes” and “Missed Questions,” as well as protected several tags associated with my school’s curriculum.

I have tried:

  • unsubscribing from my AnkiHub addon on Anki application on my laptop, unsubscribing on AnkiHub website, resubscribing on AnkiHub website, resyncing on Anki application.
  • uploading the old v11 media package I had to the AnkiHub add-on on my Anki application
  • Going into Browse on my application, and hitting “Reset all local changes to a deck” (after retroactively unprotecting the potential media-containing fields, as mentioned before)

All this with no success.

As far as I can tell through the “mising-media” tag (from the Check Media tool), the missing media seems to be in the following fields: “Additional Resources,” “First Aid,” and “Physeo.” Any idea on how I can fix this situation?


For Physeo, you need a Physeo subscription to get access to their media. All media will remain blank without their media file that you can only get access through via a Physeo subscription

Additional resources and First Aid, we do not sync, but if you have the media file. If you have reset local changes and unprotected those fields (which you mentioned you did), you just need to import the media file to get access to them. Note that some will still be missing (but should be a few, not many)

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Hi there,

I have also tried the same things that @stalalm has tried and I have a lot of missing images and unused images. I keep running into cards with no First Aid content. What should I do? Is there a First Aid Media download I can access?

Been spending several days trying to figure this out…


Not all cards have First Aid content so you will not see FA HTML on all cards

We do not sync FA images due to copyright, please see this post for more info: Why don't I have all the media in the AnKing Step Deck?

You also unprotected the Physeo field which is most likely accounting for most of your missing media and images. You can only get Physeo images if you have an active Physeo subscription. They provide the media folder on their website