It would be great to create personal fields that function like Anking fields but remain protected during syncs and updates.
Or if that isn’t possible right now, more empty fields similar to that of Lecture Notes, or a version of the Extra field that is just for us to edit.
Currently, I put everything in my Lecture noted field, but there are some things that I would like to always be revealed, and some that I only want to reveal when clicked, both of which are currently in there.
We will introduce features like this in the future.
For now, you can use the BNB or Pathoma fields to achieve this, we do not sync these fields so you can add whatever you like in there then auto-open those fields for specific information you want to be auto-revealed
As a workaround, have you considered just co-opting one of the fields that don’t automatically contain Ankihub content and protecting that to use as your extra field? For example the Boards and Beyond Field doesn’t appear to ever have Ankihub content in it.
Otherwise, you can currently use the “Missed Questions” field as your secondary “Lecture Notes” field and keep only one auto-revealed. They are both intended as personal protected note-taking fields.
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