No optional tags found for these notes

I am having Optional Tag problems. I had received an error when initially trying to sync but now I just repeatedly receive No optional tags found for these notes.

I created a tag AnkiHub_Optional::KYCOM but the result is below.



It looked like above from Anking video but it had blue arrows in a circle instead of the green check mark.

It seems like none of my optional tags work for any decks now.

This will be fixed in the next add-on release which should be today or tomorrow.

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ETA on release?

We are just working out a few kinks and should have a new release soon. If you’d like, you can request to join the beta testers group in order to run a newer version of the add-on before we release it to everyone: beta-testers - AnkiHub Community

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Sent in my request :+1:t2:

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