Hi. I have Anki application on my laptop, Anki application on my iphone and can obviously log onto AnkiWeb on my laptop, as well as AnkiHub on my laptop. I only have one deck on my profile - one that I created.
Now. The Anki applications on my laptop, iphone and AnkiWeb - all sync correctly. I can see they all have 196 cards.
However I can’t seem to get my AnkiHub to reflect the same amount of cards. It only says 32 cards.
I’m lost and this all feels very confusing. Please help.
Did you create your cards with the correct note type?
It should have the note type with brackets, something like (e.schoeman / DeckName)
If not, then highlight all the cards you created → right click → change note type → select the ones specific to the deck you created with your name in brackets → then you can suggest them and accept them
If I go onto AnkiHub via the website. See screenshot. Its not uploaded (even after I did a sync). And strangely on AnkiHub on the website the AnkiID is just numbers.