Repeated Cards?


I believe I am seeing a lot of repeated cards over and over. How can I fix this? I uploaded two screeenshots of the same card. As you can see, one card is cloze 1, the other is cloze 2, and the other cloze 3. Each different card also has a different “Due” date; 2024-05-02, 2024-05-03, 2024-05-06.
When I click on each card, it is exactly the same card. And this happens for many of the cards, not just this. This is just an example.


This is intended behavior

Each cloze is separate and is seen on a different day.

You will see c1 one day, then c2 another, then c3 another.

If you want to see them all on the same day at the same time, you can change them all to c1 for example. Note you will have to protect this card so ankihub does not overwrite your changes. If you want to do this, see this post: 🔐 Protecting Fields and Tags