Repeated "New Cards"

Earlier this month I added a topic here stating I thought I had many “repeats.” It turns out that wasn’t the case after you help me understand what was going on.

With that in mind, I keep noticing I redo the same cards over and over as if they were “new”. For example, let’s say today I saw a new card about Competitive inhibition. I click “Good” and it appears in 30 minutes. I click “Good” the second time, and it appears in one day. The next time the card is due (in one day) I’ll click "Good) and see it in three days. Well, let’s say the card is due in 3 or 5 days, when I get it that day, it appears as if it was a “New” card. And it happens so often for many cards, not just one. How can I fix this issue?

The category for general support questions related to using AnkiHub.

Things not to ask about here:

Please include supporting information and documents such as screenshots, recordings, etc.


We will need more information to narrow this down.

  1. Do you have any addons that interfere with scheduling? (e.g. delay overdue addon?)
  2. Are you syncing with AnkiWeb regularly and pressing upload to ankiweb?
  3. Are you using the normal SM algorithm or the new FSRS? What are your settings?

cc @abdo.nh

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Hello Ahmed,

For add-ons, I have the delay overdue and postpone card review. I have only used delay overview once since I downloaded Akinhub. I always sync with AnkiWeb and press upload to Ankiweb. I uploaded a picture of the algorithm using the original SM algorithm. What do you suggest I do to fix my issue?


Disable both add-ons then see if the issue persists after reviewing for a while.

What do you mean exactly by that? Do you mean the next intervals are small (5m 30m as in your learning steps)?

Hey Abdo, that is correct, a lot of my card’s next intervals are small (5m 30m as in your learning steps) even though I had already seen them.