Trouble Gaining Access to Pixorize Images

I am an ankihub subscriber, and it is my understanding that the pixorize images should be includes in the updated ankingv12 media automatically. I seem to not have any of the pixorize media on the tagged pixorize cards despite having an up to date deck. I have tried syncing to no avail. I temporarily gained access to the media by downloading it the old-fashioned way that worked for ankingv11, but this created some sort of error in the deck and it made me revert the change. After reverting the media is no longer there. I there any idea how I can fix this? I have also tried unprotecting the pixorize field before syncing.


Can you go to AnKing deck on AnkiHub → click on the 3 little dots on the right → manage protected data → go to pixorize → ensure it does not have a check

Once you have done that, then do the following

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

Thank you! It worked after I reset the local changes again after unprotecting the Pixorize field.

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