Unable to create optional tags for my own deck (or any decks)

I created a deck for some lecture-specific materials at my school that I have shared with my classmates.

The cards are uploading and sharing just fine but I am unable to create an optional tag group (i have tried various optional tag names). When I click the green save button to create it the screen doesn’t change. I have tried getting other classmates to attempt making an optional tag group but they aren’t able to either. I tested this with some other decks (i.e. Anking MCAT) and I am unable to create optional tags for these decks. I have created and currently maintain other optional tags for the Anking overhaul deck.

The deck name of concern is MTC_Ankhil.

The reason I am trying to create an optional tag group for my own deck is so that certain tags I am trying to add can be nested within an Ankihub_Optional tag that I also use and maintain for the Anking deck (so that I could merge Anking cards and lecture specific cards both under the same lecture specific tags). I have already created these tags for my anki collection locally, but they don’t sync to the deck subscribers (I am assuming this is because of the fact it is nested within Ankihub_optional but the optional tag doesn’t exist for the lecture specific deck).

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

This is probably related:

What’s the name o the optional tag group you’re trying to create?

Yeah, I think I am running into the same issue as the one described on the thread you linked.

The tag group I am trying to make is “URMC”, this is already our school’s primary AnKing optional tag.

Allowing the same optional tag group name across multiple decks would be ideal for consolidating all the cards in one tag. Not sure if this has already been addressed