Unsuspeded cards getting re-suspended

I don’t know if this has already been asked, I couldn’t find anyone with this exact problem, but when I unsuspend cards in a tag, say I watch a video on B&B, I’ll go learn the cards but I’ll check the tag a few days later and like a third of the cards I unsuspended are suspended again and I never got to learn them. I went back and manually unsuspended all the cards that did this in my heme block a few weeks ago and now I go to those tags again and there’s way more cards that are still suspended. I don’t know what’s happening but if anyone has any suggestions to fix this that would be great.

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Are you certain that it is that cards you have unsuspended are being suspended, or is it possibly that new cards are being added to the tag-list for that particular topic?

Neither Anki, nor Ankihub, has any way to automatically suspend, or unsuspend, cards which is why my initial suspicion is that the latter is more likely.

Let me know your thoughts and we’ll go from there. :slight_smile:

Hi, I think you’re probably right, it’s just been strange to me because every tag in B&B that I go back and check has like 10-20 cards that are now suspended. Even ones I unsuspended last Tuesday have new suspended cards and those were in the epidemiology/biostats section.

Are these cards that were in other tags and they are just adding them into these B&B tags (I only use B&B right now so if they are in the other sections like pathoma or skethcy I guess it would make sense why I wouldn’t see them). Sorry if this is at all confusing it’s just been bothering me for a while because I’ll watch a video, do the cards then look back later and find out that there’s more there that I never learned.

Thanks for the help!

All good, I’m happy to help as much as I can. :slight_smile:

Tagging is one of those things that’s always ongoing to some degree. Videos get updated, or moved, or altered in some way, or reorganized, and then it takes time for tagging to catch up and reflect all of those changes.

For BnB in particular, with the new Ankihub partnership with McGraw-Hill (FA/BnB) that has meant updating a lot of the tags, which I suspect is the likely culprit here in the number of cards you have there changing.

Let me know if that makes sense, and happy to answer any other questions you might have. :slight_smile:

I see, that makes a lot of sense, so they’re merging some of the FA with B&B and that is changing up the tags a little bit. I was worried it was something I was doing when unsuspending cards. Is there anything you would suggest to make sure I get these cards into my deck, aside from manually going into all my old tags and unsuspending those new cards that had their tags updated?

Not merging FA and BnB, per se. FA is still independent from BnB, though there have been ongoing efforts to build upon the BnB tagging of late as part of ongoing updates to tagging overall

There’s nothing that you need to do to make sure that the cards are present in your deck, as you already have all the cards. The updated tagging is adding tags to existing cards, not adding new cards to the deck, if that makes sense.

Thus, the total number of cards in the deck is the same today as it was two weeks ago (or whatever timeline, just as an example). It’s not that new cards are being added, only that existing cards are being more thoroughly tagged.

Please let me know if that answers your question, and if there’s anything else I can help with. :slight_smile:

Ok, what I’m mostly curious about is if there is a way to get those cards that got added to the tags I’d already done, to become unsuspended automatically, or is it something that I’ll have to do manually?

Unfortunately there are no mechanisms, in Anki or in Ankihub, to suspend or un-suspend cards automatically.

It’s a natural architectural limitation to the way Anki is written, and for which there are no features to do that, really. I’m sure someone fancier than I could write code for it, or maybe there is an add-on out there, but I’ve never come across anything or heard tell of any such features, sadly

That’s all good, thanks for all your help!

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