All updated cards are assigned "New Note"

Anki v24.11 Qt6, AnkiHub add-on v2025-01-09.1

Severity: High โ€” itโ€™s not a feature, itโ€™s definitely a bug :smiley:
as this goes directly against the described intended behaviour.

Any card that is updated gets moved to the New Cards Destination deck, even though the cards are sometimes months old.

Steps to reproduce:
Sync with AnkiHub.
A destination deck that is separate from the usual main deck helps demonstrating this issue. The deck Iโ€™m using is the German Ankizin deck.

Expected result:
Cards that are โ€œjustโ€ updated stay in their deck, only truly new cards get sorted into the destination deck.

Actual result: see created column.

Seems to me that any card that is updated through AnkiHub get assigned the ankihub_new_note flag, instead of a more specific (and correct) ankihub_suggestion_type flag.

EDIT: I now realise that I also put this in as a feature request, already back in November