ANking deck discrepancy

so i downloaded the anking deck as i really wanted to use it for P/S, and im confused if my deck is even updated with all of the pankow cards. I only have about 820 cards in my deck, and i saw somewhere that another person had a couple thousand. How many cards should be in the P/S Anking deck? And how can i tell if i have all the pankow cards?

Also, how do i organize these cards? I want to go in order of topic/chapter and no clue how to organize them. Any help would be appreciated!

Please follow this post to move all the cards into a separate deck: It says my AnKing deck was installed, but I can't see the new deck

If you are not sure if you have all the cards, do this: Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

how do i fix this? the ones that cannot be imported?

you do not need to import anything via ankihub, what are you trying to import?

the deck i want to use, the one i mentioned in my initial post.

Please install the anking mcat deck via ankihub as this is what we provide support for in this forum