Cannot Download Anking V12 onto anki


I am unable to download Anking Overhall V12 onto my anki. I went through the steps posted on the wiki page; however, each time I try to sync my anki with ankihub, it will say “new deck added” but 0 cards are actually added. I am beyond frustrated as to why my anki decks will not download. can someone please help?

Did you have an old deck with AnKing cards in it? Can you check if you have the AnKingV12 tag in your browser. Also check in ankihub addon if you have the default deck assigned to a different deck.

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Was this resolved? I am experiencing the same issue.

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It did. I essentially had to download the Anki deck via Anki hub onto another computer and logged into my anki. Then I clicked the sync button on Anki on my current computer and it miraculously loaded.

im having the same problem…so now all I need is to find another computer : (

Hello @potranca

Can you elaborate on what your issue is?

Can you confirm you have done the following?

  1. You have downloaded the ankihub addon and signed in
  2. You have subscribed to the deck you want
  3. You have clicked sync in Anki and clicked install
  4. You clicked upload to ankiweb if prompted in Anki

I am also having issues. I have done all the steps up through clicking “Install” on the window that says "You have new AnkiHub decks to install:

Getting Started with Anki
AnKing Step Deck"

After clicking Install, I get moved to a small screen saying “Downloading decks from AnkiHub…” This screen then changes to one saying “Checking…” for a split second before disappearing. I am brought to the main menu screen instead of a small screen that says “Your AnkiHub deck is ready!..” where we are supposed to then click “OK.” The AnKing Step Deck is not on my main Anki menu screen.

Please let me know how to resolve this. I have downloaded the AnkiHub add-on, signed in, and subscribed to the Anking Step Deck.


Can you go to browse → tags → check #AK_Step1_V12, can you see this tag? How many cards are in there?

This tag is not showing up, so it appears Anking v12 did not download.

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on the ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

I tried this, and I received a message saying “You don’t have any AnkiHub decks configured yet.” The v12 deck itself isn’t showing up in my main screen, so I don’t have any AnkiHub decks to begin with (which is the issue I am trying to resolve for).

Can you try unsubscribing from the AnKing Step Deck on AnkiHub. Then resubscribing and clicking sync in your anki and see if you can get the “install decks” to pop-up again?

If you can, take a screenshot/video if anything goes wrong during the process

Also make sure you are on the latest version of Anki

I am using version 24.06.3 on a new MacBook Air. I tried unsubscribing and resubscribing, but nothing has changed. I have been able to get the “install decks” pop-up this whole time. However, when I press “install,” it appears to start downloading and then stops abruptly. I have attached images of this process and the order of windows that pop up along the way. The syncing pop-up (second to last image) appears for a second before disappearing. Once I reach the last image, I am back to the main screen with my previous decks but no downloaded v12 deck.

Thank you for clarifying!

Do you see anything else pop-up? For example (“sync cancelled”?) or (Ankihub down for maintenance?)

Please use AnkiHub > Help > Upload logs and data and let us know the filename shown

cc @abdo.nh

There was no other pop-up. I attempted to upload logs and data but it was taking a very long time, so I was unable to gather the additional info. Any other solutions?

If checking your proxy settings didn’t help, try downgrading to Anki 23.12.1.

28692 cards there but not a single one is opening

@siddhipriya have you tried unsuspending the cards?