Can't See Media

I can’t even see the media on AnkiHub, and I’ve done everything suggested here, but I still can’t see any of the media files.

What media files can you not see?

Text and extra or First Aid and Additional resources?

Have you tried resetting your local changes?

Let us know and we can assist you further!

Text and extra or First Aid and Additional resources?


Have you tried resetting your local changes?

Yes. I tried everything and still cannot see the media.

I believe you might not be subscribed to the official AnKing deck which is why this is occurring. Please make sure you are subscribed to “AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2” by AnKingMed with 34,000 subscribers

Make sure you delete the deck completely on your Anki and unsubscribe to it from AnkiHub before subscribing to the new official one

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