Collaborate on a Deck
Suggest Changes
You can suggest changes to existing notes in decks that you subscribe to on AnkiHub either from the web app or from the add-on. After suggesting a change, your suggestion will have to be reviewed and accepted by the deck maintainers. Deck owners and maintainers have the additional permission to suggest changes without a review.
Make sure to leave a thoughtful comment in the Rationale for Change
text box when suggesting a change. This will help the deck maintainers understand your suggestion and make a decision.
To suggest a change from the add-on:
- Edit a note in Anki.
- You can do this by clicking the
button while reviewing cards or by finding a note in the browser. See the Anki docs for details on editing notes.
- You can do this by clicking the
- Click the
👑 Suggest a change
button in the editor dialogue. - Select the appropriate
Change Type
. - Add your comments to the
Rationale for Change
text box. - Click
Submit Suggestion
To suggest a change from the web app:
- Find the note you want to suggest a change for in the deck on
- Click the
Suggest a change
button. - Select the appropriate
Change Type
. - Add your comments to the
Rationale for Change
text box. - Click
If you are a deck maintainer, you can select the Submit without review
option to skip the review process.
Suggest New Notes
To suggest a new note to an AnkiHub deck:
- Click
to create a new note in Anki. - Click the
👑 Suggest a new note
button in the note editor.
For details about how to create new notes in Anki, see the Anki docs or check out this tutorial
New notes cannot be added from the web app at this time
View Note Suggestions
To view the suggestions that are currently awaiting review from deck maintainers:
- Navigate to a deck on
- Click the
Community suggestions
button. - Select the
Change Note Suggestions
orNew Note Suggestions
tab. - Use the search box or filter button to find the suggestions you want to view.
From here, you can view the suggestion details, accept or reject the suggestion if you are a maintainer, edit the suggestion, or view conversation about the suggestion.
Bulk suggestions
Right click on a selection of notes from Anki’s browser to submit a bulk suggestion:
Watch the video below for more details.
Made a mistake?
If you accidently deleted some cards, made some incorrect edits, or just want to revert your deck to what AnkiHub has it as. Follow this:
Resetting Local Changes to Notes
Resetting local changes resets any changes you have made locally to what AnkiHub has it as
For example
- Note A (AnkiHub): AnkiHub is amazing
- Note B (Your local version you made changes to): AnkiHub is amazing!!!
By resetting local changes, AnkiHub will cause “Note B” to revert back to “Note A”
Revert a Single Card
- Right-click on the card you want to reset
- Navigate to “AnkiHub: Reset Local Changes”
- Click OK
Revert the Entire Deck
- Click on Browse on Anki
- At the top, navigate to “AnkiHub”
- Select “reset all local changes to a deck”
- Select the deck you want to reset