How to add new cards to an existing AnkiHub deck?

How do you add cards to an existing AnkiHub deck? I tried moving a bunch or cards from a non AnkiHub deck into a deck thats synced with AnkiHub but they aren’t showing as being synced with the AnkiHub deck.

You have to press “suggest new card” in the browser first on the card you want synced to an ankihub deck

The suggest new card is greyed out. When i tried doing bulk suggest, it said the cards needed to be converted to an ankihub type

You have to use the note type that says something like this (with the brackets). Do you have one like this?

Is this your own deck that you are trying to suggest to?

Yes it is. I changed the note type to the one that is like yours and then it let me suggest changes and add as new cards. I just wanted to make sure I did it right because then it started to give me the error you are helping me with in the bug support chat. Some of these cards are from an older version of an AnKing deck I wanted to keep in my own deck because they were relevant to our lectures. So I changed the deck from AnKing to my ankihub deck changed the note type to my AnkiHub note type and suggested them as new cards. They show that theyve been added to the AnkiHub deck but then it started giving me and my subscribers that error message

Alright thank you for clarifying, we will investigate this and return to you when we have an answer!

Thank you!

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If the new cards are causing this error, is there a way to remove the new cards I added yesterday to see if that will fix it?

I don’t think there is a way currently to delete cards on AnkiHub. This is a feature we are hoping to implement in the feature, however I think a developer can potentially delete them.

@developers could you do this? I think this may be the only way to get the deck to work again? All cards added on 7/27 to the deck “Touro Deck Lecture” can be deleted. I’m hoping to get it resolved this weekend since classes start Monday.

@developers nevermind i figured out a solution. I just deleted the ankihub deck and then removed the cards that were causing the problem from my collection and then created a new ankihub deck. I just let everyone know theyd have to subscribe to the new deck again

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