Images not Loading on Anki

Been using anki for years, just signed up for ankihub and downloaded the current Anking deck and the first card I did popped up like this. Also just downloaded the newest version of anki
Version ⁨2.1.66 (70506aeb)⁩
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.5.2 PyQt 6.5.2

From Bug to Support

Added Bug

Does your media sync says idle or downloading?

CleanShot 2023-08-29 at 12.04.09@2x

It says downloading but I do not see the media sync log up anywhere. Does this mean it’s just slowly but surely downloading all the images?

Yes exactly!

Once it says “idle” you’ll be able to see all the images

It now says idle, but i’m having the same issue. Do you have any other suggestions?


Can you not see any text or extra images?

Can you try resetting local changes by going to browse → at the top ankihub addon → reset local changes

What do you mean by see any text or extra images? I can see all text for all the cards is just some of the images. The resetting local changes didn’t make any difference. I saw somewhere to check media and it says I have 8416 missing files i’m not sure if that’s part of the problem.

Thanks again for your help.


Its fine for some media to be missing.

How many cards can you not see the text and extra images for?

Its not too many cards but I just noticed that even the stats tracker add on isn’t working and giving the same image icon as the cards. Any ideas for this?

Can you try deleting that addon and reinstalling it?

So I have multiple anki profiles and all these issues only are happening to the one I have logged into AnhiHub. Do you know why that would be the case?