Ever since the roll out of AnKing-made illustrations, cards that have these illustrations in the extra section take 1-2 seconds to “load” after answering the card. This only occurs with some illustrations (namely @AhmedAfifi and some of @beejumm). Resizing the image still does not fix it and we are not sure what the main issue causing this is
Over the past few months we have received a few requests about this issue as well and I think this is going to get much bigger if we don’t control this issue now
To access these images:
If anyone can record their screen when this happens, please feel free to do so. This happens on my Macbook and Ipad Pro. It has been happening for months and nothing seems to fix it
My initial thought is the pixels per inch (I think that’s what it is) could be the reason, @beejumm when you changed it I think it fixed one of them? I don’t remember
I definitely think it has to do with the size of the actual image. Which is why resizing doesn’t fix it (resizing in the browser doesn’t actually change the image properties) this is an example I see with nid:1505562087527. If you look at the size of this image it says “1500x654 (Original: 10240x4470)”
So I’m guessing to fix this, the original image needs to be much smaller then reuploaded. So original should be something like 1500x600 then it can be resized as needed
I think we want to make sure we are always sizing down and not up so that image quality is preserved. I’m thinking something in the “2500x…” range and then size down to our needs. my guess is that would be sufficient to resolve our issue but not 100% confident, there might also be a better way to resolve this I just don’t know.
@beejumm this could be solved of the illustration is created and exported in .svg format since it uses vectors, can you give draw.io a try? It has way less features but it can export images as svg, that could easily solve this issue.