Missing media

I read through the FAQ, including the section on media, and the various reddit posts but I still don’t understand what is going on.

I am missing a lot of media files.
Tool > Check Media says I am missing 730 files. The AnKing Step Deck is the only deck I have on this profile, so all 730 of these files must be from this deck. These files do not sync when I press “Sync with AnkiHub”. Media Sync is set to Idle. I went to the v12 Reddit post right now and a few yrs ago and downloaded all the images. I have a lot of extra unused files, but I’m still missing these 730 files.

Here is an example:
I am missing this file: 33872cabab82b50ef6814beb43ce93c6.jpg
This is an image in the First Aid field in the AnKing Step Deck. The First Aid field is not protected.
When I search for this file name, there are 26 notes in my local collection, all of which are in the AnKing deck.
Here is one of those notes:
When I click “View on AnkiHub” for this note, I see that the HTML reference is there, meaning the file should exist somewhere. But I do not know where to get these files from.


As First Aid is proprietary, we cannot provide those images. More information can be provided here: AnKing Step Deck Wiki

The HTML reference that you see on Ankihub is an empty URL pointer that allows, when media is present, for it to point to that card. This is unrelated to Ankihub being able to provide the actual media, however.

An example might be if you subscribe to Physeo and, in so doing, get their media package. Those HTML tags will then, upon having their media imported, point to the appropriate card and those images will populate. But for proprietary information, or anything that is copyrighted, we cannot host, or provide, the media.

Please let me know if that answers your question, and if there’s anything else I can help with. :slight_smile:

I am also missing the FA image for this. Sometimes this does happen and some FA images were broken long before v12 (in v10 or v11) so when they come over to v12, they will display a broken or missing images.

Some however are fixable because of an issue with AnkiHub changing the HTML of images. This occurred more than a year ago and affected some FA images which we have been fixed episodically as they come up.

Can you let me know of any other notes like this? I for example have 10,000 missing media (some from AnKing step deck and some from others) but its normal to have some missing media. As long as you can see the majority of the images (99% then its okay)

We do fix some of them on a rolling basis, just suggest on AnkiHub and write “missing FA images @ahmed7” and I can see if its fixable, sometimes they are not fixable however as is the case with nid:1485042614659

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