I have tried everything, but my media will not download on my anking step deck.
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Try this:
Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:
Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on the ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes
This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields
Tutorial: Resetting Local Changes
If this is the first time you are syncing, it might take some time for the media to download.
You can check the status of the media download by going to the AnkiHub addon → media sync status
Click Browse in Anki first, then at the top you should see it!
I don’t show that you are currently subscribed to the Anking Deck. This is likely at least part of why the media is unable to sync.
The anking deck wasn’t working so I dowloaded it from my friend’s but the images don’t work on either.
If you’ve downloaded a separate deck I don’t know how much help I can be, since it’s outside of Ankihub and thus my expertise.
I’d be happy to help troubleshoot anything Ankihub-related as best I can.
Kk, a couple of things:
It’s worth noting that FA images will not be synced because that media is proprietary and Ankihub cannot provide them. Thus, that field will not show any images regardless.
Second, the image you’re missing there is a banner, rather than an actual image.
But, let’s tackle the issues at hand and see if we can get you into a better spot.
You’ll want to make sure first that you’re on 24.11 and that all of your add-ons are up to date. If you need help updating Anki and/or your add-ons I’d be happy to walk you through that.
Once you’ve done that, we’ll want to make sure that your note types are also up to date. This can be done by installing this add-on and allowing it to update your note types: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/952691989
From there, you’ll want to restart Anki.
Once you’ve done that and that you’re now subscribed to the deck, you’ll want to reset local changes while subscribed to the deck: Resetting Local Changes
Give that a shot and let me know how/if it works for you and we’ll go from there.
Ok so I updated my anki back to 24.11 (I downgraded the version to what was recommended on the anking website). It still doesn’t work adn there are no updates available. The link you shared for the add-on doesn’t really have instructions on how to update the note types.
Okay, we’ll go from there.
Did you manage to get the Note Types add-on installed?
The instructions you provided didn’t have anything to install from what I could tell
The link that I sent is to an add-on: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/952691989
If you can install that, it will help us update your note types.
Sorry, I still don’t see anything on the link to install.
Sorry, I had to jump into a tutoring session and got held up for a bit.
So if you click on that link there is a code:
You use this code to install an add-on, which is the same basic process as any add-on with Anki. The code is here, if it makes it easier: 952691989
Once you have the code, it gets installed the same way as you would with any other add-on:
Then restart Anki and the add-on should be installed.
Once you get there, the add-on may prompt you to update your note types. If it does, great. Update them then restart Anki.
If it doesn’t, you can do it manually:
Then, restart Anki.
Once you’ve done that and that you’re now subscribed to the deck, you’ll want to reset local changes while subscribed to the deck: Resetting Local Changes
Once you get this far let me know and we can double-check and see where you’re at.