Not all my the cards are showing up

I’ve tried unsubscribing and re subscribing but that hasn’t done anything

On the left of that browser section, can you navigate to “decks” and click on “AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 and 2”? How many cards do you have at the top?


Can you ensure your text field does not have a checkmark in the protected data section on AnkiHub?

Also are you clicking on “Upload to AnkiWeb” when prompted after downloading the deck?

I know you have tried this already but this should fix it if you follow it:

Unsubscribe to the deck on the ankihub addon → unsubscribe to the deck on the ankihub website → resubscribe again on the website → press sync on anki → that should fix it

If prompted to Upload or Download, click on Upload to AnkiWeb

I have these check marked, how do I uncheck them? it doesn’t allow me to do it from the website. I will try the unsubscribing again

Do you have the text field check marked? You can keep all those checked, as long as there is no check in text and extra. You can just click on the little check mark box to toggle them on and off

There is nothing, and it worked. Thank you very much!

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