Protected field "Extra" cards are missing in Errata v12

Hi! I recently upgraded from ANKing Overhaul v11 to ANKing Overhaul v12. I protected my “Extra” field and then imported $Errata v12 cards to my Anki, which were updated.
I found that not all cards with their “Extra” field modified are in the $Errata v12.
Is there any way to get to know all the cards with the modified “Extra” field or both “Text” and “Extra” fields?


I am not 100% sure what you mean but $errata v12 is in AnkiHub and therefore you will not need to import your own errata v12

CleanShot 2023-12-18 at 12.48.41@2x

Also, thousands of cards were deleted from V11 to V12 since they were either duplicates or extremely low yield. That might explain why some are not there

Let me know if I am understanding your question correctly though!

If there is any change to the “Text” or “Extra” fields, those cards are included in the $Errata, is that correct?
I followed the AnKing video: (13:20) where he showed what to do if one is protecting “Text” or “Extra” fields.
So I exported the $Errata v12 cards and then imported them back.