Still missing media

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When I check my media, it still says I am missing 2330 files. I am unsure which media is missing, as the files are mostly random numbers and letters. I have looked through the forums and followed the instructions provided with the Anking deck. I have not noticed any media missing in my cards as I do my reviews, so I have a problem troubleshooting where this issue is coming from.

If you are not seeing any missing media while reviewing your cards, you can ignore this message

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Since media can now be synced with AnkiHub should missing media even be an issue anymore?

Yes & no. Some media is locked behind a subscription such as pixorize or physeo, so that’s more than likely where that is coming from.

I think I found part of the issue. I have subscribed to Pixorize and downloaded the media. However, it still seems to be missing files, which I have now seen in some of the cards. I batched edited the Pixozire field to see if this was the case and it changed my missing media from 2330 to 200. I download the link from Pixorizes website/Google drive, but still seem to be missing media. Is there a reason why I am not getting all the media from Pixorize uploaded to Anki?

@anking.jacob can most likely further help you on this since he is responsible for the Pixorize project!

We would need to get specific cards/images missing to be able to help.

Here is one of them for example I am not sure how you would want me to go through and show you all the missing media.