Uploading previously made image occlusion cards to my existing ankihub deck

I have an ankihub deck that I maintain that I am trying to upload local image occlusion cards to. However, I know that ankihub does not support this note type and that I must convert these notes to a compatible note type.

How do I do this without having to remake all my I-O cards? I know that there is an Anking I-O one by one note type but the fields in that note type are functionally different and I don’t how my image masks would transfer over to the one by one note type? Can I create a local image occlusion note type that is ankihub compatible? Can I download a note type from somewhere (if yes, how?)

(image shows one of these image occlusion cards with suggest/view on ankihub buttons greyed out)



Currently you cannot add new note types to a previously uploaded deck. We are planning to add this feature in the near future.

The only way to add IO image occlusions is to include it in the initial deck upload, then you can add them.

So theoretically, I could delete my entire deck off of ankihub and then reupload it with the image occlusion cards, and this would solve my issue?

For those wondering, I did the above^ and it worked. Slightly tedious but otherwise easy fix. Told all subscribers to just subscribe to my new deck

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It is very annoying currently haha, but we are planning so you can just add note types in the future without having to do this!

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