V12 version Missing Extra images - HELP!

Hi. I am having an extremely difficult time with v12 version images. I downloaded the collection media and followed all the steps previously mentioned on other posts , but I am still missing the extra images that I had on v11 such as first aid. Any help on How I can retain v11 images but have the v12 will be highly appreciated

If you want to see them, you have to go to ankihub → anking deck → manage protected data → make sure additional resources and first aid does not have a check

Then go to browse in your anki → at the top click ankihub → reset all local changes

Then import media from your pre-existing V11 deck or media package

Thank you so much! Just one last question, How do I import the media? I tried copy pasting v11 media on a new folder then uploading that but I was not successful. Would highly appreciate the steps to importing media. Thank you again!

CleanShot 2023-12-04 at 17.48.58@2x

Click on the folder you have for media and it should work

Thank you so much! I can’t express my gratitude enough! I have everything sorted out except for the issue with the following image. Is this a normal occurrence?

On my anki I can see it, you can right click on the note and reset local changes.

It could also just be downloading, you can check by going to the ankihub addon and seeing if the media sync says downloading or idle

Somehow right note click does not allow me to select the image. I checked the media sync it says idle.
I don’t have access to Wikimedia pictures Photo credit: Henry Vandyke Carter, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons , would you know where I can download them separately? Thank you so much

They should all be synced automatically, try this:

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

I did rest all local changes but still don’t have the images. Should I uncheck everything on the protected fields like B&B… maybe that is the problem?

No unchecking the BNB field would not fix this.

How many images are you missing? Is it just those two?

Also is your media sync say downloading or idle?

I’m missing 5104⁩ images when I check media ( Don’t have sketchy 2, pixtroize, Wikimedia)
Media sync says idle

Pixorize should be unprotected and also synced.

Also, you subscribed to “AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2” by AnKingMed with 33,000+ subscribers correct?

Usually resetting local changes would fix this issue

I am , but somehow images don’t work for me. Is there a specific media you download. I downloaded the collection media and also used the mega drive link

Could it be the protected fields? I just need to uncheck FA and additional resources right?

Yes, as long as text, extra, pixorize, sketchy, additional resources are unchecked. You should be the images (text, extra, pixorize, sketchy we specifically sync so there is no need for a media package)

Do you have enough storage on your device?

Yes, I have enough storage, I don’t why it’s not working. Anyways, Thank you so much for all your help!

Would you know where I can download —> Syko lozz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Is there a separate drive to download the media for sky Iozz?? This is the main issue

Sorry for the late reply, are you still experiencing issues?

im missing the extra images that were in v11 with the sketchy tags

i did all that was mentioned here but couldnt get it to work. so i deleted v11 completely, downloaded v12 fresh then imported media through v11
still didnt get the images

is there a way to get them?


What fields are the images you are missing in? Can you check if your media sync has finished?

yes media sync has finished

v11 had

sketchy images in the extra field

while v12 has no images in the extra field

but if i click on the sketchy tab then the images will be there

is this the way v12 is suppose to be?
can i get the images in extra field through importing or ill have to manually change the fields to have it my way

i apologize if this is a time waste of a question , having imagesin the extra field made reviewing quicker and easier as opposed to clicking everytime on the sketchy tab