Anki Hub images still missing!


Hello I have wrote in the forum before regarding this and was referred to ankiforums where I did not recieve a proper reply. This has been an huge isssue for me for months now and its really impacting my studies. I need to know how I can be able to see the media in FA and the extra images as they are not being displayed. why are some FA images being shown and others not? It is also happening for sketchy and pixorize sections where media is not being diplayed. I am very confused and really need to solve this.


Regarding the extra images, can you try this:

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki β†’ at the top click on ankihub addon tab β†’ press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

Regarding FA images, this has to do with your media package. Try importing it again like this:

ok thank you so much for the quick reply I will try that. In terms of importing the media package where do import it from exactly?

hey just checking in again could someone please let me know so I can try it out?

Please see the wiki for the answer. We do not provide the media packages